Thursday, November 10, 2011

4 Line Photos

 Everyday life:
 Man-made object:

For my line photos, I set calibration of the color saturation and hues all to zero or negative 100.
Then, I cropped and vignetted each photo, and for the man made object photo and the everyday life photo, I set the light tones to negative four to make the image less bright and more focused.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3 Garden Coolpix

In the first picture, I made the plant yellow to make it contrast heavily and I made the background  purple and pink help the plant become the center of interest.
In the second picture , I made the shadows of the tree and the people red and the lights and shadows f the photo yellower, to make the people in the middle a more vibrant hue.
In the last photo, I blurred the shot and lightened the web and leaf tips to emphasize the structure of the web, and I left the colors original because I felt that they were fine as I photographed them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My 2 Best Line Photos

These are my two best photos. I chose them because I feel that they are the two best representations of the line art photo project I was assigned.  I took these pictures around walnut creek.  The first was me driving to breakfast and the second was a crack in a decorative stone wall.